Lexique et grammaire en usage : données et représentations
9-10 Nov 2023 Montpellier (France)

Program > Keynote Speakers

The invited speakers of the 2023 edition of PluriLexGram will be : 

Angeliki Efthymiou

Angeliki Efthymiou

Angeliki Efthymiou is Professor in Linguistics at the University Democritus (Greece). Her main domain of research concerns the lexicon, and particularly derivationnal morphology, lexical semantics, lexicography and the didactics of the lexicon. Her research interest in the last years focuses on morphological productivity, evaluative morphology, the semantics of prefixed verbs as well as polysemy in suffixed verbs.

Jing Guo 郭晶

Jing Guo 郭晶

Jing Guo (郭晶) is Associate Professor of Chinese at the INALCO (Paris). She is a member of the PLIDAM research group (Pluralité des Langues et des Identités en Didactique : Acquisition, Médiations). Her research focuses on oral language didactics from a pedagogical engineering viewpoint. She studies the role of micro-skills and strategies in the process of oral comprehension. She is currently coordinating several pedagogical projects, including an eTandem program and a Chinese theatre workshop.

João Veríssimo

João Veríssimo

João Veríssimo is Associate Professor at the University of Lisbon. His research focuses on how words are mentally represented and processed by monolingual and bilingual speakers. The main goals of his work are the description and explanation of contrasts between native speakers and second language learners; the characterisation of individual differences in language and cognition; the development of computational models of morphology and lexicon.

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